Tuesday 21 February 2017

Negatives of globalization:

Negatives of globalization:
• There is a famous saying “money gets money” The first point in this discipline is that it aims at making rich the richer and poor the poorer because of its policies, it is very much in the habit of profiting the rich. The concept of free movement of services, labour and capital with the end of trade barriers (tariffs and subsidies) if these barriers removed from between and let these big multi-national companies and others to fight with the local industry, they will eat these small companies. 
Globalization basically creates discrimination between the poor and the rich which is a big flaw of this concept.
• Another demerit of globalization is that it breeds credit based economies. The first world countries intentionally do not allow the deficit countries to stand on their feet. The third world countries are unable to run their economies by their own, so they have to open their palm in front of big crocodiles. These developed countries and organizations string conditions with that debt and don’t let the smaller countries to utilize their own resources and stand on their feet.
• Prevalence of global culture means dominance of Western culture:- the West have means to promote their culture and traditions. Modern media and entertainment sources are totally influenced by the West. The younger generation fantasizes the west and is also playing totally in the hands of western culture. We do not have those tools to promote our culture and traditions. It is also important to note that Eastern and Western cultures stands for Islamic and the rest of the world. The Muslims are lacking the modern sources of interaction to the other world so globalization is totally in the lap of Western culture.
• It is also important to note that it is eroding the role of nation state fastly. The concept of nation state is very important in the existence of a state. The concept of global village is eroding this nation state concept.
• International relations of politics mean new-imperialism. The first world countries involve themselves in the internal affairs of the unstable countries and uses money to have the people of their own in the government. By this way, they become able to use that country for their own self interest and exploit these countries. The politicians of third world countries are not able to develop good plans for their prosperity and progress. So the developed countries and MNC’s give them aid with some conditions and in that way they control the whole country.
• International law is a week law for rich and strong tool against poor. There are many examples in support of this argument. We have some in near past too. The Iraq war and to some extent the case of R. Davis. Although he was released after the settlement with the victim family. But there are some issues on which he can hold behind bars. The Israeli brutality against the unarmed Palestinians. It is also important to note that since 1991 America have used his right of veto 14 times from which 11 times he vetoed actions against Israel. International law proceeds with international court of justice and if someone goes in ICJ against any other. It has to take permission from the accused country for preceding the case. This makes it week and ill working law.
• The governments respond more to the MNC’s than to the interest of their own people.
Positives of globalization:-
The merits of globalization are as follows:-
• The first important merit of globalization is that it is a blessing of comparative adventure and interdependence. The famous saying of Aristotle “man is a social animal’ is true even today. Every state is interdependent and no state can live in isolation. History witnessing the fact that if anyone tried to live in isolation, he faced great difficulties in response. We have the examples of Sudan, South Korea. 
• The next thing which we discuss in the merits of it is promotion of trade instead of aid. Now the states are giving preference to trade and helping other regional and worldwide economies to stand on their feet. The aid system has certain ambiguities with it as we discussed in the demerits. Instead of being burden to the world, every state introducing free market systems.
• The next blessing of globalization is that it is the era of franimies giving birth to peace. We can quote the example of United States of America and People Republic China. They are the biggest rivals in current scenario. Yet, America is the biggest lender of China. Although they have tussles but they will not fight with each other
• Globalization also helps us in creating harmony among different cultures. There is nothing which the other world does not know about a specific culture. Every country has institutions to read about the other cultures. Course of Central Asian countries in G. C. University. And department of regional studies in American leading universities is the perfect examples of it. It helps us to come to know the cultures of different areas of the world.
• Furthermore it is globalization which brings people very close to each other. The concept of specific language and culture for specific region is emitting from the map of the world. The harmony among the cultures is possible with the role of globalization which consequently results into peace.
• It is not ended over here, the concept of globalization also helping us in recognizing the human rights. Earlier it was the sole responsibility of the state to ensure the rights of people and no one was allowed to interfere. Every state must facilitate its citizens with basic rights. It was announced by the UNO that there will be no boundary for human rights. Every child who comes in this world must enjoy all the rights
• Another positive of globalization which cannot be neglected is that it is always a blessing for consumer. The competitors will lose their profit margin for attracting more and more consumer and in this way the consumer not only has lot more choices but the quality goods too. Whatever the multi nationals do, it is always a blessing for the consumer. In this way it proves to be the biggest merit of globalization for a common man. With the decrease in prices of the goods and utensils, the consumer will be able to have more on cheaper price.
On the other hands it is important to note that it is bound to succeed. It is directly linked with capitalism. Capitalism is the only system prevailing in the contemporary world. We have examples in the shape of European Union; shanghai cooperation organization, SAARC, and some other regional unions are proves of its success.
• The story not ends here; globalization is maximizing the wealth of the world. We are witnessing the fact that when a multi-national company goes in a region, it creates an opportunity of employment. It gives financial support for the betterment of roads and transportation. Sudan is the case study in this context. The oil, gold and gas reservoirs were giving no benefit to the people of Sudan. The multi-national companies went over there. They explored these reservoirs and now the government is receiving taxes. The people are getting more jobs, the economy is growing. It can be said that it changed the life style of the people of Sudan. 
• The last but not the least positive point of globalization is free movement of capital. It allows people throughout the world to run their business wherever they want. The free movement of capital is bridging gaps between the countries. 
• Investing in human capital. Strategies for promoting economic growth and poverty reduction should be an important part of every country’s economic policy. There is a need to encourage investment through economic liberalization, privatization and reduced trade barriers. There is a need to invest in human capital, such as health and education and creating effective institutions of governance and eradicate corruption.
• Democracy and economic growth are interlinked with each other. Economic growth can only be possible if there is a stable system of politics. The politicians are willing to develop their state efficiently. It can happen only when there is democratic system in the state.
• Need for a new consensus. The political leaders must take choices amid debates if they intend to seize the opportunities to promote democracy and economic growth. A new approach is needed. One possible approach would be to set realistic economic goals, new guidelines for provision of international assistance and to integrate democracy building programmes into efforts to reduce poverty.
• A real dialogue:- if the goal is to reduce poverty, the governments international financial institutions and civil society needs to conduct a real dialogue on how to make globalization work for the poor.
• Trade policy and poverty reduction:- the trade policy should be formulated in such a way that takes into account the national strategies for poverty reduction and redistribution.
• UN Recommendations:- 
i. Democracy and rule of law should be promoted and there should be efforts to integrate marginalized groups into mainstream.
ii. There is a need to reduce inequalities in access to resources and opportunities.
iii. Conditions in the informal economies should be improved by providing social protection programmes and better linkages between formal and informal economies to improve wages, benefits and working conditions of the workers in the developing countries.
iv. There should be more opportunities for employment.
v. Youth should be the focus of the unemployment policies.
The success of globalization would depend on how different actors that is governments; multinational institutions, private business and NGO’s pursue the goals, not only globally but also collectively.

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